Well it’s been a long time since I have done a post or any work related to any of the projects I have been working on and they have been on hold. I am starting to begin blogging again due to me recently finished university and starting a new job as a junior software developer
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I’m using Virtualmin which is a UI for managing web servers and such I could get rid of the UI and just configure everything myself but for usability I just use Virtualmin (I also host some clients websites so they need a easy to use interface), with my installation of Virtualmin on a CentOS 5
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With internet speeds increasing and the users expecting fast and more responsive websites the technology we use has to adjust to these changes, when a user requests a website from a web server the server replies with the website content let’s say the website is my blog, last time I checked it was around 53,929
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This is a problem I’ve ran into many times especially when I first started using CSS and divs to build websites, you may have noticed (or not) that if you have a container DIV with some child DIVs which are using the float: attribute the container doesn’t resize to fit the child DIVs, if you
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There are a variety of operating systems available but most users don’t know this and believe Microsoft Windows is the only one but there are hundreds available. It quite easy to understand why most people believe there is only Windows due to the way it is forced upon us (you buy a new computer it’s
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SSH is a secure shell command line technology allowing a user to connect to a second computer and perform many tasks securely. I have written a post which is found here which tells out all about the SSH technology. In this post I am showing you how to connect to a SSH server in Windows
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SSH allows communicate to be achieved between two computers (usually used to control a remote computer), there are two parts to a SSH connect and that is a SSH server located on the machine we wish to connect to and a SSH client which allows us to connect to the SSH server. We need authentication
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A server is a computer designed for a specific task such as running a website, a server tends to be powered up more often compared to a regular computer with most servers running 24/7. Servers are a major part of our everyday live, the internet is a collection of hundreds of thousands of servers all
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SSH is a secure shell command line technology allowing a user to connect to a second computer and perform many tasks securely. I have written a post which is found here which tells out all about the SSH technology. In this post I am showing you how to connect to a SSH server in Windows
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SSH short for secure shell is a network protocol allowing communications between two computers, it is natively found on Linux based operating systems and used to remotely control computers and server via a command line interface. SSH was created to replace older insecure software such as telnet, telnet lacked encryption allowing anyone to intercept the
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