Need an easy way to allow external network users to access services or websites on your local machine? ngrok allows you to easily create a secure tunnel from ngroks servers to your machine. For a web developer, this is a dream come true, this is a great way to demo a development whilst in the
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Need to easily debug some php code? simple add the following code to your script to enable PHP error reporting and display error messages. This allows you to quickly debug without making configuration changes to servers PHP configuration.
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There is a range of fancy stuff you can do with HTML and CSS but a lot of developers are not aware of the little tricks you can do with CSS which results in developers using alternatives such as JavaScript or PHP when CSS can achieve the same results, sometimes even better as its less
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Internet Explorer (IE) also known to some as Internet Exploder or the worst browser on the internet causes headaches for a lot of us developers. IE has what I would call a lack of tools or features, IE7 lacks the abilities to show images with a alpha channel which is something we take for granted
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A simple function to easily process a website or file and return an array of all the URLs found. The main purpose I created this was to make it easy to process “Directory Listings Pages” which is a page which shows all the files and folders in a websites directory if there inst a default/index
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Comparing two bits of data in PHP is quite simple but there are special occasions when a simple comparison of data needs to be slightly different. One of the common issues is comparing float numbers, a common mistake is comparing two float numbers the same way in which you would compare two integers or two
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Eclipse is a brilliant programming interface for many languages but when using a Windows 7 based PC you may have issues when pinning the shortcut to the task bar. As you can see below when I launch eclipse via the shortcut instead of using the pinned icon it creates a new one. If you right
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Here is a function I have created which is used to generate a sequence of random numbers, letters and symbols. I currently use it on a number of projects including which is a simple password generator.
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