Combine multiple files into a single file is very simple on Windows as long as the files you are wanting to combine are text (binary). Its not possible to merge multiple images, videos and other none binary related content using this method. Here is the Command Prompt (cmd) command we will be using to achieve
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VPS are a cheap and efficient way of owning a server without having to maintain the physical hardware, infrastructure and costs involved when renting server space. You can purchase a new VPS from most providers and within 15 minutes you can be installing your software and services. A VPS is just like owning a physical
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I’m going to talk about virtual machines (VM) before I go onto virtual private servers (vps), to understand what a vps is you need to understand what a vm is as they are very similar (practically the same thing). A VM is a virtualized (virtual) operating system running inside a master operating system, for example
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