The technology behind your next fancy email is so outdated! Limited by HTML and CSS from 5+ years ago it can be a pain getting your email to work and look correctly in all email clients. Not only do you have HTML and CSS version limitations, but the email client also itself have various limitations,
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Flexbox is a great new tool we can fit into the web development toolkit, with Bootstrap 4 and other frameworks moving across to flexbox, it is becoming more important to start learning it.
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Lately I have been working on a full screen office dashboard project which is going to be shown on various 50″ screens throughout an office space, wanted to add some basic information such as weather! Came across this cool CSS3 written animated weather icons.
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Some useful bootstrap 3 media queries for both mobile first and non mobile first development styles, to make modifications to your front end simplier and follow the bootstrap 3 standard breakpoints.
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There is a range of fancy stuff you can do with HTML and CSS but a lot of developers are not aware of the little tricks you can do with CSS which results in developers using alternatives such as JavaScript or PHP when CSS can achieve the same results, sometimes even better as its less
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Internet Explorer (IE) also known to some as Internet Exploder or the worst browser on the internet causes headaches for a lot of us developers. IE has what I would call a lack of tools or features, IE7 lacks the abilities to show images with a alpha channel which is something we take for granted
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