Bash: Suppressing script output

Recently I have been creating a bunch of bash scripts to automate some processes, I normally run these scripts manually so output is helpful but today I was working on a script which runs via a cronjob every 12 hours, the issue with this is that if a script outputs any data whilst being executed
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PHP: Dynamic Variables

Today a came across a situation where I needed to loop through some data and open up a http request using a socket connection, each loop had to open a new connection and the handler had to be stored into a new variable so that each connection could be read separately (opening a new connection
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PHP: fsockopen()

PHP has built in functions allowing your scripts to communicate with various other applications and services via a socket connection, this opens new and exciting possibilities for us PHP programmers. You might be asking yourself why? With this ability we can query mail servers, get website content whilst also providing POST and GET data, query
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PHP: Common configuration changes

PHP works straight out of the box with a default configuration setup specified by the PHP group which is quite restrictive; it is common for developers and server administrators to adjust the PHP settings to enable PHP applications to run smoothly or successfully. The PHP configuration settings are in a file called php.ini, the location
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Apache .htaccess file

We have all visited a website as your currently viewing my blog which is a website, when you visit a website you download the files and data required for your web browser to display the desired page. The computer or server which you download a website from will be running some form of web server
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Passworded – The beginning

A couple of weeks ago my brother who is very big on computer security asked me if I was able to create him a password generating script, I replied with there are loads already available to which he replies I don’t trust them. As i had some spare time I quickly put together a password
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Windows SSH & SFTP Server

Recently I have been setting up various Windows server operating systems but have always had the same issue which is how to communicate / manage that server remotely, windows servers by default are managed via the RDC (remote desktop connection) but I want the ability to log into cmd (command prompt), transfer data and port
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Scotland Holiday

Just thought I would let you all know how my holiday in Scotland is going and that as soon as I get back I will be creating more posts. Ive already got a bunch of PHP posts I need to write up or finish so be ready for a wave of posts. Scotland is an
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