ESP8266 is a tiny extremity cheap MCU with third-party library making it Arduino compatible. Features all the normal connections you would expect such as GPIO, SPI, I2C, I2C and UART to name a few, the biggest selling point is its size and build in WiFi support with full stack TCP / IP communications. Great for
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Got a spare raspberry pi and like music? Turn it into an easy to use music player with access to Spotify, YouTube, internet radio and much more. Pi MusicBox runs headless allows you to simply plug in speakers and control it via a fancy web interface.
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I connect a UPS to a generator allowing me to safely power my sensitive electronic equipment (laptops) when in remote locations, generators are not perfect and occasionally the power fluxuates causing spikes, over and under voltage issues. To resolve these issues and make it safer for my sensitive devices I use a UPS which provides
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I take a small portable generator with me when I am using my RC cars this allows me to charge batteries and run power tools such as a dermal or soldering iron for onsite repairs which comes in really handy. I like to be prepared when I take my cars out, nothing worse than driving
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